събота, 29 май 2010 г.

понеделник, 24 май 2010 г.

ТОВА СЕ СЛУЧВА! /научно -популярен филм/

Вярвате или не, но има чудеса, знамения, откровения и пророчества. За какво говорят те и как да ги тълкуваме? Защо дори сериозни учени престават да бъдат скептици? Едни вярват в Бог, на други са им е нужни доказателства. Действително ли мобилен телефон е заснел Очите на Бога? Метереолози се опитват да обяснат от научна гледна точка явлението, но как ще обяснат, че на другия ден жена, която е била абсолютно сляпа в продължение на две години, проглежда? Защо мълния поразила момиче, не го убива и наистина ли кръстът на врата му го е спасил? И каква мисия му е отредена? Защо дете,за което лекарите са били уверени 100% ,че няма да оживее - веднага след кръщаването му започва да се подобрява? Светената вода ли е разковничето за живота му? Днес детето е живо и здраво въпреки заключенията на лекарите и те само повдигат рамене - това е чудо! Защо икони изпускат ароматно миро? Защо понякога Богородица плаче с кървави сълзи и на науката не е известно, какво е това вещество? Какъв е секретът на чудото повтарящо се от година на година и защо Благодатния огън не игаря кожата на човек? Защо пред икони се случва сляпи да прогледнат и сакати да прохождат? Какви още събития биха ни накарали да повярваме във висш разум?
Ако подобна тема ви вълнува , изгледайте документалния филм - *ДОКАЗАТЕЛЬСТВА БОГА*
/филмът зарежда много бавно/


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Web Hosting

неделя, 23 май 2010 г.


Мост над Волга оживя. Танцът му е страховит. Прилича на кадри от фантастичен филм за края на света. Лентата е запечатила и няколко човека, които точно в този момент вървят по моста.
Кои са те
? Конструкторът и главните изпълнители?

А това са анимации рисувани с тебешири върху асфалт. И той оживява, но по различен начин. Не те плаши, а те забавлява.


Web Hosting

четвъртък, 20 май 2010 г.


За теб може да е неприемливо това представяне. За теб може дори да е шокиращо...Но моето хлапе каза - СУПЕР!
Какво казва твоето хлапе?!
Ти какво ще кажеш по въпроса - всичко е ЕКИП?!

Business Web Hosting

Business Web Hosting

ЗАБАВНО И .../видео/

Забавно и много любопитно видео. Това, което виждаме, наистина ли е игра с кристална топка, и колко кристална е тя?
Фокус, монтаж...? Има ли значение?

Важното е ,че видяното те впечатлява и ти създава настроение!

Web Page Hosting
Web Page Hosting

сряда, 19 май 2010 г.


Виктор Янукович бе нападнат. Животът му е вън от опасност. Мотивите на нападателя засега са неясни. Не е ясно и каква ще бъде съдбата на нападателя. Казусът определено е труден.

Website Hosting

неделя, 16 май 2010 г.


This is a show! Political show!The best political show

Web Hosting
Web Hosting

събота, 15 май 2010 г.

Някъде в Аденския залив ТОВА СЕ СЛУЧИ.../видеолента/

http://av.li.ru/652845_382680.gif Там е война/и интереси/. Прогнозата , затова какво предстои ДА СЕ СЛУЧВА и КАК, е неясна.
Всъщност, прогнозата е ясна. Пиратите ще заобикалят руските кораби и ще се оглеждат за СКРАП.
/ Имаме ли още някое корабче за СКРАП?/

голяма политика=големи интереси=големи пари
Къде е Аденския залив в Голямата игра?

Кадрите са реални и са заснети от телефона на един от руските моряци, кадрите не се препоръчват за хора със слаби нерви! 


петък, 14 май 2010 г.

НАГОРЕ е НАДОЛУ ?! /видео/


Виж и после ми кажи:*НАГОРЕ* -*НАДОЛУ ли е?* Това е илюзия, която спечели първо място на тазгодишния международен конкурс за оптични илюзии.
Мозъкът ни си прави шеги с нас. Голям шегаджия е!И още една оптична илюзия, която е повече от видео.
Вгледай се в тази картинка и се съсредоточи в четирите точки в центъра в продължение на около 30 секунди. След това вдигни очи нагоре и започни да премигваш! Какво виждаш ? БОГ?! Ефектът наистина е стресиращ. Един съвет!
Не се доверявай винаги на това, което виждаш!

четвъртък, 13 май 2010 г.


Хич не ти трябва телохранител за хлапето. Дори и ти бъди безшумна / не чупи чаши/, защото котето може да реши, че това е заплаха за – неговия Бог. А тогава... Не бих искала да бъда на твое място!

И при такава котка, куче не ти трябва. Ама че коте! Горкото куче!

Реакциите на животните често изненадват!

При такава котка, трябва само диригент!

Website Hosting

сряда, 12 май 2010 г.


http://av.li.ru/706226_414174.gif When I listen to the *INTERVIEW WITH GOD*, I feel as though: I have *taken the interview*, I have written the music, I have captured the video clip. YOU, do you feel the same?

понеделник, 10 май 2010 г.


May probably come from the Cosmos

May probably come from the Cosmos

There is some talk in the public space that the Third World War is quite probable.
If considering the years of the big wars during the last century, the impression is created that in the most of the cases, during these periods Jupiter and Saturn have been either in coincidence or in opposition, and during the same periods, Mars has been for seven months at the place of Jupiter and Saturn transitioning (or in the next zodiacal sign). In the period 2011-2013, the alignment of Jupiter, Saturn and Mars will be similar. From similar coincidences no conclusions should be drawn. There is, however, another thing showing that in the most of the cases the years of wars coincide with the periods of an increased sun activity. The last maximum of the sun activity was in 2001. The next period of its maximum will be about 2011. Some months ago astronomers informed that the Sun is moving in a “strange manner”. What is going on with Helios? May be it gives signals of the forthcoming spectacular maximum? During the sun activity, the human body immunity against viruses is being decreased. The magnetic storms boil down the blood, thus the number of infarcts and insults is being increased and the psychic crises become more frequent. What could happened with our high-technological society, if something like “super sun explosion” occurs, followed by an extreme geo-magnetic storm? This could lead to satellites failures, communication interferences, electric power supply interruptions. The electric networks are now most vulnerable then ever before for being extremely inter-dependant.
The electric energy system failure may cause a lighting-like effect – until several hours the water supply may be affected, the perishable products may be lost for 24 hours, heating may be interrupted, water treatment - stopped, thus disorders may follow. Can you imagine cities with several million inhabitants to be left without electric power and water supply and without telephone communications for several months? The damages to the social and economic system (being in dire needs anyway), will be of the rank of a World War. For now, nobody knows when the next solar mega storm will explode. It may happen after one hundred years or after three years – in the period 2011 – 2013.

I do not say that it will happen, but only that is probable.

Третья Мировая




неделя, 9 май 2010 г.

Please! Do not die! / Video /

Please, do not die!I love you! Do not die!

В ТОЗИ ДЕН! /видео/

В ден като този политици и много други популярни личности говорят.В този ден Аз и Ти - нека да послушаме *Черной ворон*.

Отнеси платок кровавый
Милой любушке моей.
Ты скажи - она свободна,
Я женился на другой.

Полети в мою сторонку,
Скажи маменьке моей,
Ты скажи моей любезной,
Что за родину я пал.

Да чуем отново и *Мы Вращаем Землю* Владимир Висоцки
Кто-то встал в полный рост и, отвесив поклон,
Принял пулю на вдохе,
Но на Запад, на Запад ползет батальон,
Чтобы солнце взошло на Востоке.

Да послушаме! И да помълчим!

вторник, 4 май 2010 г.

2014 - Third World ?!

May probably come from the Cosmos

There is some talk in the public space that the Third World War is quite probable.
If considering the years of the big wars during the last century, the impression is created that in the most of the cases, during these periods Jupiter and Saturn have been either in coincidence or in opposition, and during the same periods, Mars has been for seven months at the place of Jupiter and Saturn transitioning (or in the next zodiacal sign). In the period 2011-2013, the alignment of Jupiter, Saturn and Mars will be similar. From similar coincidences no conclusions should be drawn. There is, however, another thing showing that in the most of the cases the years of wars coincide with the periods of an increased sun activity. The last maximum of the sun activity was in 2001. The next period of its maximum will be about 2011. Some months ago astronomers informed that the Sun is moving in a “strange manner”. What is going on with Helios? May be it gives signals of the forthcoming spectacular maximum? During the sun activity, the human body immunity against viruses is being decreased. The magnetic storms boil down the blood, thus the number of infarcts and insults is being increased and the psychic crises become more frequent. What could happened with our high-technological society, if something like “super sun explosion” occurs, followed by an extreme geo-magnetic storm? This could lead to satellites failures, communication interferences, electric power supply interruptions. The electric networks are now most vulnerable then ever before for being extremely inter-dependant.
The electric energy system failure may cause a lighting-like effect – until several hours the water supply may be affected, the perishable products may be lost for 24 hours, heating may be interrupted, water treatment - stopped, thus disorders may follow. Can you imagine cities with several million inhabitants to be left without electric power and water supply and without telephone communications for several months? The damages to the social and economic system (being in dire needs anyway), will be of the rank of a World War. For now, nobody knows when the next solar mega storm will explode. It may happen after one hundred years or after five years – in the period 2011 – 2014.

I do not say that it will happen, but only that is probable.
2014 - Third World ?!

EXTRATERRESTRE, take me away /video/

come to search for me,
come to take me with you


понеделник, 3 май 2010 г.

ГЛЕДАЙ! ТЕ и НИЕ! И смъртта!/видео/

Какво знаят животните за смъртта? И как я приемат?
Точно в такива моменти изпитвам гняв към Бог!

The big mystery! Mars!/ video/

What do you see?

неделя, 2 май 2010 г.

Did Hitler Kill Himself ?!

Hitler commits suicide on April 30, 1945. This is what encyclopedias say. But did he really kill himself, or he staged his death? In the end of the 1940s, the American Intelligence transmits data to Stalin for the fact that Hitler is alive and hiding in New Schwabia, a secret German base located in the lands of Queen Maud. In the year 1945, Marshal Zhukov, to the question where Hitler was, replies: ‘My personal opinion is that he is somewhere in Europe, maybe in Spain’. The former state secretary Jimmy Bayrness writes in his memoirs that, to his question of the death of Hitler, the answer of Stalin was: ‘He is not dead. He ran to Spain or Argentina. In the book ‘Hitler in Argentina’ Abel Basty states that Hitler and Eva Brown have lived in Argentina until the end of the year 1964, and afterwards in Paraguay. According to others, Hitler died in 1971 in Antarctica. Do the rumors throughout year have reason that the Fuhrer of the Third Reich had managed to escape in 1945? The horoscope of Hitler has been studied thoroughly, but, until now, the dark runways in his life have not been taken into consideration. Hitler was born on April 29, 1889 /according to the astrologist Wilhelm Wolf – at 18.03.53 o’clock/. Eva Brown was born on February 6, 1912, at 5.30 in the morning, in Munich. In the period January-May, 1945, the life of Hitler /as well as the life of Eva Brown/, is into a time when the danger of death is too high. And when two /or more/ people are at the same place, at the same time, and they are in dark runways, then the possibility of death rises progressively. If in the period March-May, 1945, the life of Hitler had been at a time between dark polls /see post – Time, in Which You Cannot Die!/http://darkrunways.blogspot.com/2009/12/times-in-which-you-cannot-die_06.html/, then we can state that not 50%, not 80%, not 98%, but surely 100% Hitler stayed alive! But in this period, Adolph Hitler, as well as Eva Brown, were in dark polls and though the danger of death had risen progressively, this does not prove their death, i.e. there are several percents of doubt. It is quite enough for the conspiracy fans to believe that, after April 1945, Hitler had lived in the land of Queen Maud in Argentina, in Paraguay, or somewhere else.

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Every minute, all around the world, millions of individual battles happen between good and evil, with a changing success. But will a battle like this happen in a planetary scale? And if this happens, when will it happen? If the developed theory, according to which the time of death of each person can be calculated /see posting / The times in which you cannot die!/http://darkrunways.blogspot.com/2009/12/times-in-which-you-cannot-die_06.html, is confirmed, then this battle shall take place in the next decade. And after it the world will change. Like listening to the weather forecast now, in order to know whether we should take an umbrella tomorrow, we shall switch to ASTRO forecast in order to understand: when will be the most suitable moment to use our forces and our undertakings to be successful. When we are prone to diseases and which exactly we are prone to. Whether we are in a time when we can take risk without fear for our lives or we have to be exclusively careful because we are in a dark runways. This shall be a time when astronauts will not be sent to space when the danger for their lives is high. Road and air accidents, which end tragically, shall be brought to zero. We will be able to forecast the time for possible pandemics and natural disasters, including earthquakes. And when you can predict the bad, you will search for a way to prevent it. In other words – we shall have STAR forecast! This forecast in its basis shall be based on “the memory” for Space, which everyone of us records at the moment of our birth, but it will not be an astrological forecast! Astrologists have gathered useful and unique statistics, but they make a mistake – and that is that planets affect people. The human is one whole with Space, but in 90% the human is dependent on the closest star – the Sun. Planets just point directions and the rhythm of impact by Space. Their second mistake is that they have never had team work – and success can be only achieved on a wide front. The battle which is to come, shall be a battle of physicians, biologists, medics… journalists. The battle with Death! It is possible that everything said up to here to sound as fiction or just another absurdity. But when the pledge if big, even the weirdest should not be neglected. 

What is this? / Video / But this is not a mermaid!

What is this? I have no idea. But this is not a mermaid!


Are there aliens? Have they ever visited us? Maybe they have never gone away? Do the military and governments hide something? Is there any agreement between governments and aliens? All questions come to this one – Are there aliens at all? A question that splits the humanity into followers and skeptics. The former firmly stand behind their position and prove it with photos, videos, witness testimonies. The latter reply with frigid disregard, sometimes even sarcasm. But if at least one material evidence was present… The smile would be deleted from skeptics’ faces. And it seems that evidence had appeared.
But with this gene engineering and mutations that rise under sun activity, skeptics have not undergone any defeat yet.
В  Мексике убили ребенка пришельцев

In Mexico, a child of aliens was killed /video/ /let’s hope *mommy* and *daddy* won’t get too mad
UFO became more frequent again /video/
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Какво виждаме на Марс?! Загадката остава!/видео/

Следи на Марс ?И от кого?! Игра на сенки или просто виждаме това, което ни се иска да видим?!

Живот на Марс?! Реалност или фантастика?

Живот на Марс?

Ако темата те интересува - изгледай и това видео.