НЛО?! Или необичайно атмосферно явление над Москва!
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Are we able to foresee the future? Are we able to take a look at the distant past? What is death? Написано и нарисувано от мен+ Слънчева активност ДНЕС+Земетресения ДНЕС+ОПАСНИ ДНИ+ Разказваха ми..+ Написано и нарисувано от мен.+Отрывки из моих книг +ЛЮБОПИТНО!+ Внимание! Истина е! +Тайнствени сенки +Гадаене с индийски карти+Ще ти гледам на кафе+ КУЧЕ ТЕЛЕПАТ + Молитвата на Дик (ГОСПОДИ, имай милост към силните!)+Красиво и полезно+ +ВОЙНАТА ДНЕС! +ЗАГАДКИ + НЯМАМ КОМЕНТАР
A chimney-sweeper came in one town. He wore white pants, snow white shirt and white shoes. Only hid hat and brush were black. People were astonished. He can’t be real!, a person guessed. He is no chimney-sweeper!, another agreed. What kind of chimney-sweeper are you? , a third one was astonished. Absolutely real!, the chimney-sweeper replied. Then he was offered to clean the chimneys. He did clean them but there was not a single spot of soot on him. He had even become whiter. And his shoes were white, and his pants were white, and his shirt was even white! It’s impossible!, people exclaimed and started touching him in order to make sure he was real. And they touched him, and they touched him, and… the chimney-sweeper got black.
simply stated – insecurity kills